Online Resources for Students to learn

It usually happens when schools are suddenly closed. The reason may be poor weather or anything else. To deal with their situation, a lot of schools are moving to e-learning. In this case, the online learning environment needs to be so effective that every student would learn just as well as they would in a regular school.

Learning Resources Online by Category

The teachers and pupils who are looking for the studies online sources can see the sources listed below. Below is a subject by subject list of resources.


CommonLit- This website gives reading materials for pupils in grades 3rd to 12th.

Storyline Online- This website storyline online offers free children’s books written by well-known authors.

Spelling Training- This website has spelling exercises for 1st to 4th-grade pupils.

We are Teachers- Pupils can play poetry gamers here.


Ascend Math- You can find math problems from K to 12th on this platform. Customized study plans can be created by the pupils.

Unlock Math- On the website UnLock Math, You may find the grade 6th – 12th syllabus.

NumBots- You can utilize this platform to get effective strategies for math tasks like addition, multiplication, and subtraction.

Xtramath- Math exercises on this platform are efficient, effective, and additional.


Shurley- Pupils in grades K – 8th can improve their language skills on this platform.

Grammaropolis- The eight parts of speech are the primary focus of this website.

Classroom Cereal- Grammar training is the main purpose of the classroom cereal website.

Attitude Mag- Attitude Mag is a web application that focuses on the pupil’s handwriting abilities.

Social Studies

Oer Project- All age groups can take online classes from the Oer Project website.

Kids National Geographic- This website focuses on animals and geography.

Mission US- This website explains how to learn history interactively.

Bens Guide- The US government hosts this website, which gives all the details about the US government.


Adfg Alaska- The main focus of this platform is Alaskan wildlife.

Teach Chemistry- The Teach Chemistry platform has resources for every grade level.

Ocean- The Ocean platform is controlled by the Smithsonian Museum.

Premeditated Leftovers- Those interested in amphibian research should use the Premeditated Leftovers platform.

Physical Education

Fit Sanford Health- The Fit Sanford Health website provides yoga classes which take 3 to 5 minutes.

GoNoodle- The GoNoodle app provides a mindfulness video with children engaging in physical activities.

Life Skills

Ngpf- Lesson plans, games, and other learning activities are available for students on the platform.

Overcoming Obstacles- K- 12 curricula are available on this website. Children learn social and emotional skills from this website.

Clubscikidzmd- Every day, pupils can find engaging science or food experiments on this website.

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